- New UK Dining Guide
by Tom Matthews
Doesn�t it irritate you when you just can�t find the menu for your favourite takeaway? Or, you�re trying to organise a birthday meal for a friend, but the only restaurant listings you can find tell you the address and telephone number at best. have come to ease the pain. With over 1,000 eating establishments stored online, this is the largest growing restaurant and takeaway website in South London. Up-to-date menus with delivery information, photos, opening hours, average cost per person, parking information and many more details are provided with each listing.
By entering the distance from your postcode, a wide selection of restaurants and takeaways are listed, along with a thumbnail. Alternatively, if you know the name of the restaurant and takeaway you are interested in, you can simply type this in above. A more advanced search allows you to narrow down the results to the type of cuisine you desire, whether the restaurant offers a takeaway service or delivery and the average cost per head. want to promote a positive, mutual relationship between customers and restaurant businesses, so they have come up with a clever system whereby feedback and reviews can be submitted for all to view. Not only do restaurants get a rating, but also customers on the relevance and credibility of their comments. You can choose whether to leave a suggestion, which goes directly to the restaurant�s account, or to post a public review.
Another great feature available on is the messaging facility. Users can also communicate between one another. This has been integrated into the website so that if a user happens to read a review given by someone else, and has further questions or queries, the reviewer can be contacted directly via their Lacartes account. A message will appear in their inbox.
Regular competitions to win a free evening meal for two at participating restaurants all over South London, have been set up by the website through their strong commitment to restaurant businesses. Entrants can use the normal search criteria of postcode and distance to find a participating restaurant near them, before answering a simple multiple-choice question.
Ding Gao is the brains behind Having realised that there were no directories with consistent and valuable information that provided accurate coverage, he set to work on a user-friendly solution that made no exceptions or exclusive rights to Michelin-starred establishments; �Although we do welcome and promote luxury restaurants, takeaways have been a strong focus. We wanted to offer customers all the information that they would need to make a delivery order, online, from the comfort of their home.�
About The Author
Psychology of Kids Birthday Party Supplies
Psychology of Kids Birthday Party Supplies
by Jeff Bauman
Birthday party supplies and decorations are more than just colorful additions to a child�s party. Kids respond in complex ways to things that place importance upon. A birthday is definitely in this category. Having a birthday party theme package that girls their taste and sensibility shows that you understand them. They are also very fun.
Birthday party theme packages are groupings of birthday party supplies which are built around a specific topic character. They include table cloths, plates, napkins, hats, streamers, invitations and thank you notes. A theme package includes all of the supplies and decorations neded for an elaborate birthday party. Each component is coordinated around a topic or character. Examples include Little Mermaid Theme Package, Happy Feet Theme Package, Hot Wheels Fast Theme Package, Scooby Mystery Machine, Barney Theme Package, Birthday Treat Theme Package and Batman Begins just to name a few.
Most children place considerable importance on their birthday celebration. They correctly identify their birthday as an important milestone in their life. Taking the steps to throw a well planned party confirms their view. It also shows you understand them. Birthday party theme packages make that very easy. An elaborate, relevant party can be prepared and set up within minutes.
Birthday party theme packages are also very fun. Each component is colorful and lively. One of the most important supplies in a theme package is the hat. These are typically very elaborate and well crafted. Decorations such as streamers make the room lively and fun. The birthday party theme package is an elaborate and excellent way to easily impart great fun to a child�s birthday celebration.
Obtaining birthday party supplies and decorations has never been easier. Well developed and user friendly web sites make selection and ordering a cinch. The package of decorations will be delivered directly to your door in time for the birthday party.
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Savor A Melony Treat In True Honeydew Style
Savor A Melony Treat In True Honeydew Style
by Suzanne Macguire
Historically speaking, melons have long been a part of our diet in one form or another. Available in different varieties, melons are a top favorite not only with the Americans but also in other countries of the world, the chief reason being its categorization as a fruit cum vegetable. This perplexity also pertains to its history. Food historians fluctuate between Persia, Afghanistan, or Armenia as the probable locales where melons were first consumed. China is not the best bet among the historians, as many believe that the Chinese consumed the wild bitter variety, which could not be eaten raw. Melons were introduced in Europe in the 16th century, but were grown under glass bells, in glasshouses, or in steam-pits. Meanwhile, after reaching China, melons slowly began to develop into cooking varieties, and reached the New World when Columbus took the seeds to Haiti on his second voyage. When his men had eaten the fruit and discarded the seeds, huge acres of crop appeared all over.
Honeydew melon is one of the most savored varieties of melons, especially for Americans. Ancient Egyptians, thousands of years ago, and ages before that in Persia, where the muskmelon is thought to have originated, prized this sweet, succulent member of the muskmelon family. Luckily for Americans, honeydew melons are now grown in California and parts of the Southwest. This nutritious fruit snack is rich in Vitamin C and is a great source of foliate, which is known for its power of overcoming birth defects during child expectancy. A cup of honeydew yields just 60 calories and around 70% of our body's daily requirement of vitamin C. Its ample water content also compensates loss of body water during hot summer days. Being low on sodium, and nil on fat and cholesterol, honeydew melons offer 100% on the critical energy component found in functional foods. These nutritional advantages make it an ideal choice for both weight control and general health. This juicy melon also offers stiff resistance against cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer.
With so many nutritional benefits on offer, honeydew melons have become a hot favorite, especially in the US. It's however, essential to judge the quality of the fruit prior to its purchase. Honeydew melons are distinguished by their smooth, creamy-yellow rind and pastel green flesh that's amazingly succulent and juicy. A perfectly ripe honeydew melon can be judged by its wrinkling on the surface, often detected only by touch. Ranging in weight from 4 to 8 pounds, honeydew melons need to be picked judiciously. It's important to choose only those melons that are too heavy for their size. If the melon is under ripe, it is advisable to keep them at room temperature. Ripe honeydew melons can be wrapped in plastic bags and stored in the refrigerator for five days. This wonderful melon treat can be used in salads, deserts, fruit soups, or as a garnish. The common and the best among the winter melon varieties, honeydew melons can be savored in different forms as part of your low calorie healthy diet.
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Coffee The Excellent Flavor
Coffee The Excellent Flavor
by Adam Akelis
The coffee tastes is the admirable flavor drinks, as known there are different flavor that can be added to your coffee to experience ordinary flavor. Some of the flavor comprises of coffee are vanilla, coffee chocolate, macadamia, etc. The coffee is in fact savored by the combination of some flavorings substances following to the roasting. Should keep the coffee safe in a tight container and it is better to keep them in a freezer to protect from the heat of the sunlight.
Coffee supports in averting sensitivity infection and internal body infections, it helps in preventing the cell from destroying away by the internal body illness. Furthermore is it said that the antioxidants present in the coffee is advanced than that of the antioxidants presents in apple or tomatoes.
Normal utilization of coffee does not affect a person�s alertness, moreover coffee become the significant drinks in human�s life it is serve in several restaurants, and it�s also dependable for the expansion of employ through cultivating the seed, The Coffee that�s cultivated in the fields is affluent in productions of nitrogen, manufacturing the soil in a perfect conditioner and an enormous accompaniment to fertilize. Accumulation of the leftover from the daily preparation will make that possible and in returns it makes us attractive to view the fields, with the foundation of the plants after removing the dead cells
The importance of a New World drink coffee trace back to 1773 Boston tea party which reject of the british tea. Later on, in the year 1810, New York founded the famous �Tontine coffee house� became the most expensive that associated during that time. The Coffee cultivation spread to brazil, peru, paraguay, etc then exports almost to all the parts of the worlds, which became a major roles in a country.
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Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wildfire Preparedness: The Five Aspects Of Readiness
Wildfire Preparedness: The Five Aspects Of Readiness
by Paul Purcell
A classic 70�s tune gives us the lyrics, �She ran calling �Wildfire��..� Then a love song, but today, possibly the beginnings of an action / adventure / horror movie. With rainfall low, and temperatures and winds high, the wildfires we�re currently battling across the country are heavily taxing our first responder assets. More fires will surely follow if these conditions continue.
First responder assets aside, these fires have affected local civilians. Thousands have evacuated, and many find nothing but charred vacant lots when they return. What are some innovative ways civilians can protect themselves, their property, and actually help firefighters in the process?
At the household level, most of us have smoke detectors. That�s good, because in a house fire, as in a wildfire, where there�s smoke, there�s F.L.A.M.E.:
Family � Something as massive as a wildfire will affect your whole family. Prepare them now.
Landscaping � Simple and subtle steps can make your property much more fire resistant.
Awareness � In an emergency, time is crucial. Stay aware of the threat and get the warnings early.
Moisture � Some say you fight fire with fire. We say you fight fire with water.
Evacuation � Even after taking all the other steps, a wildfire is something best avoided.
A prepared and involved family is far more able to handle any type of disaster than those who wait for last-minute instruction. Therefore, one of the best things you can do for your family is to prepare them for one of the most common and least forgiving enemies; fire.
1. Take the family on a fire-safety tour through the house. Locate dangers such as overloaded electrical outlets and safety items such as extinguishers and escape routes.
2. In emergencies, redundancy is our friend. You should have more than one smoke detector, fire extinguisher, and escape route from rooms or the house. Hint: If you�re a heavy sleeper, buy a �baby monitor.� Put the transmitter near the farthest smoke detector and the receiver in your bedroom.
3. Make sure everyone in the family knows how to use a fire extinguisher, and how to call 911.
4. Have regular fire drills. Let each family member have a turn being the one who discovers the fire and who has to warn others. On at least every other drill, have everyone evacuate blind-folded on their hands and knees (while exercising due safety) to mimic the realistic conditions of a fire evacuation.
5. Revisit every family emergency plan with the whole family during wildfire season and certainly if one is in your area and possibly heading your way.
Though tragedies usually take the lead in newscasts, stories still abound of how some homeowners managed to protect their properties from wildfire by simple and subtle changes with their landscaping and home. Take these steps now, since in a fire, time is of the essence.
1. Your main landscaping consideration is to remove any dead, dry vegetation, whether on the ground or in your trees, that could transfer fire to your house. Since this aspect of wildfire preparedness has been adequately covered by others, here are a few good outside sources:
- General wildfire landscaping tips:
- Florida wildfire landscaping pointers:
- More on landscaping during wildfire season:
- Fire-resistant plants:
2. Be ready to seal your house before evacuating. Create covers for any opening on your home such as attic vents (roof turbines can be covered with metal trash cans), crawlspace openings, etc. Gather your material (such as plywood) and cut, paint, and label (where it goes) each cover now, keeping them stored on your property for immediate use. Put a couple of hooks over each opening you might cover and drill corresponding holes in the plywood covers. The hooks will hold the cover in place while you drill in the screws. This allows one person to do the job and frees up others to perform other necessary tasks. Hint: Also make covers for your windows (including garage door windows) just as if you lived in a hurricane zone.
3. Create a �fire tool box� and include everything needed to prep your house in advance of a wildfire. Store extra garden hoses, water sprinklers, �Y� connectors for extra hoses, wrenches to turn off your gas, rolls of heavy-duty aluminum foil (to cover the openings you didn�t make covers for), machetes and gloves for last minute brush clearing, etc. Store extra tools because you won�t have time to replace tools that might have been broken or lost.
4. Make sure first responders can see your home�s address. Put your house number on your mailbox, near your front door, and painted on the curb by your driveway.
A common theme in all our publications and presentations is the fact that in an emergency, our most crucial asset is time (see our other articles at The two key elements of time in a wildfire are one, to have as much done in advance as possible, and two, get as early a warning as possible.
1. Don�t wait for a wildfire to approach to start your landscaping. Perform that now and keep your property as fire-retardant as you can.
2. Don�t wait for the smell of smoke to warn you a fire is on its way. If fire conditions are right, monitor news channels and listen for community warnings.
3. Learn to recognize your community warnings. Does your community have a reverse 911 system? Sirens? Will the local TV or radio station broadcast the alert? If your community doesn�t have any of these systems, why not start them in your neighborhood? At the very least, have a phone tree.
4. Buy an NOAA Weather Alert Radio since they�re being incorporated into the overall Emergency Alert System. You should also know who your local Ham Radio operators are. See
Water is the king of firefighting and fire suppression substances. The best protection for your property lies in your ability to keep a �dome� of moisture in one form or another all over and around your home.
1. One publication under �landscaping� above lists beneficial plants that hold their moisture well. Regardless of the types of plant life in your yard, keep them well hydrated (while following watering ordinances).
2. When setting up your sprinklers, give your yard adequate spray coverage, especially over areas that might worsen the fire such as an above-ground propane tank or wooden deck attached to your house. The best sprinkler for surface areas is the professional directional type rather than the small garden variety that only sprays a weak pattern over a small area. Your garden store rep can help.
3. Put sprinklers on your roof, being sure to anchor them in place since the high winds generated in some wildfire wind storms can blow them off the roof.
4. If you have an in-ground sprinkler system, great! It will give you even water coverage over the grounds and provide a good foundation for the comprehensive water system you�ll need. To your in-ground system add separate �fire� lines that feed water to sprinklers that either spray directly against your house, or outward from your yard to cover vegetation surrounding your property. Too, have a sprinkler line permanently installed on your roof to save you the time of manually putting sprinklers up there. Also, install an additional input valve to allow water from a secondary source like a water pump drawing from your swimming pool.
5. If you have a pool, pond, well, or creek, you have a reservoir that should be put to good use so you don�t draw off the municipal water firefighters need to prevent fire from nearing your property in the first place. It�s a simple matter to keep a gas-powered generator (which self-reliant families should have) and a water pump (such as a pressure-washer), and use the two to draw water from your pool and feed it to your sprinklers. If you have a well with an electric pump, hook your generator to the pump to keep it running should local power fail. Exercise caution when setting up your generator so it doesn�t start its own fire.
6. A final consideration with sprinklers is position. Cover the outer perimeter of your yard, spray against the outer walls and roof of your house, and cover the crowns of your trees if possible. Also, consider outward-pointing sprinklers anchored to an elevated position such as an upper floor deck or porch, or your roof.
We strongly recommend evacuation, even if you�ve taken all the above steps and feel they might work. It�s best that you be pre-prepped and ready to leave at a moment�s notice since time is our most valuable asset. The more ready you are in advance, the more time you have.
1. All your landscaping steps should be taken care of now and maintained, especially during fire season.
2. In wildfire-prone areas, and especially during wildfire season, keep your bugout kits and vehicle ready at all times (with fuel tanks topped off). Hint: With your documents, keep the non-emergency numbers for local authorities so you can call to find out when it�s safe to return.
3. Perform last-minute landscaping ONLY if time allows, since you�ll want extra time to perform the household shutdown steps. However, don�t do anything until you�ve loaded your car with provisions and have nothing left to load but people and pets (in their carriers and/or ready to go).
4. Inside the house do the following:
- Move all flammables (such as furniture and curtains) away from windows making sure each is closed and latched. Lower and close any metallic blinds.
- Leave your fireplace damper open, and close the fireplace protective cover.
- Close all interior doors but don�t lock them.
- Turn off your heat/AC system, and cover any window air-conditioners or floor heater vents with aluminum foil and duct tape inside and out.
- Turn off all gas coming into the house whether from underground line or above-ground tank.
- Turn on inside and outside lights so your property is visible in heavy smoke. Firefighters may need to use it as a beacon.
5.To protect the valuables you don�t have room for in your evacuation vehicle, consider these:
- For waterproof valuables, put them in a bathtub, storage tub, or trashcan you�ve filled with water. (Notice we didn�t recommend your pool, since you should be using it to feed your sprinklers.)
- Large valuables such as antique furniture, etc. should be carried into the center of the house on the lowest floor (the same place you�d go in a tornado).
- Major appliances, such as your oven, fridge, freezer, dishwasher, clothes washer, and dryer, tend not to be consumed by flame or crushed by debris and thereby offer a protected storage location for other valuables. Hint: Disposable diapers are surprisingly flame resistant, and might be useful as wraps for some items stored in an appliance.
6.Lock up the house, leave a note on the door telling authorities you�ve evacuated, check with neighbors to make sure they�re on their way to safety, hop in your vehicle, and leave. Hint: If the area is getting smoky, listen to your radio for road closure information, turn your headlights on low, and set your climate controls to �re-circulate� so as not to draw in smoke from outside the vehicle.
Naturally, this is an article that could go for a few dozen more pages since it�s such an important topic and certainly one where we could offer extensive detail. For now, this will have to do. Will the above information make you fireproof and prevent any damage to your property? No. But it�s very likely to help, especially if you take these steps now. Taking these measures also helps firefighters since any time a wildfire is delayed or a home protected, you take one more item off the shoulders of first responders. Prep now, stay safe, and remember that preparedness is not only a social responsibility; it�s your only true protection.
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Windows Vista: Secure Or Just Frustrating?
Windows Vista: Secure Or Just Frustrating?
by Christopher N. Goebel
Modern operating systems such as Mac OS X operate under a security model where even administrative users don't get full access to certain features unless they provide an in-place logon before performing any task that might harm the system. This security setup protects users from themselves, and it is something that Microsoft should have added to Windows several years ago.
Here's the good news. In Windows Vista, Microsoft is indeed moving to this kind of security model. The feature is called User Account Protection (UAP) and, as you might expect, it prevents even administrative users from performing potentially dangerous tasks without first providing security credentials. Sounds good, right? Before you agree, remember this is Microsoft we�re talking about. They made a royal mess of UAP.
The bad news, then, is that UAP is a sad, sad joke. It's the most annoying feature that Microsoft has ever added to any software product, and yes, that includes that ridiculous paperclip character from older Office versions. The problem with UAP is that it generates an unbelievable number of warning pop-ups for even the simplest of tasks. The frequency with which these warnings pop-up for the same action would be comical if it weren't so amazingly frustrating. One could almost laugh thinking of the millions of people rushing into computers stores to purchase a new PC preloaded with Vista, completely unaware of what they are getting themselves into. It�s almost criminal in its insidiousness.
To fully appreciate just how frustrating Vista�s implementation of UAP truly is, we�ll look at a simple example. One of the first things I do whenever I install a new Windows version is download and install Mozilla Firefox. Overlooking, for a moment, the number of warnings during the download/install process still leaves us with one glaring issue. Once Firefox is installed, there are two icons on my Desktop I'd like to remove: The Setup application itself and a shortcut to Firefox. I simply select both icons and drag them to the Recycle Bin. Sounds simple, right? Wrong. Here's what you have to go through to actually delete those files in Windows Vista. First, you get a File Access Denied dialog explaining that you don't, in fact, have permission to delete a ... shortcut?? To an application you just installed! Seriously? OK, fine. You can click a Continue button to "complete this operation." But that doesn't complete anything. It just clears the desktop for the next dialog, which is a Windows Security window. Here, you need to give your permission to continue something opaquely called a "File Operation." Click Allow, and you're done. Hey, that's not too bad, right? What's the big deal?
What if you're doing something a bit more complicated? Well, lucky you, the dialogs stack right up, one after the other, in a seemingly never-ending display of stupidity. Indeed, sometimes you'll find yourself unable to do certain things for no good reason, and you click Allow buttons until you're blue in the face. It will never stop bothering you, until you agree to give up and leave that file on the desktop where it belongs. This will happen to you, and you will hate it.
The problem with Vista�s security implementation is that lots of warning dialog boxes don't provide security. Users get frustrated and eventually stop reading them altogether. They think of them as annoyances, an extra click required to get a feature to work. Is Windows Vista really more secure than the operating systems that preceded it, or simply more frustrating? Since Microsoft left us with no choice but to buy a PC with Vista pre-installed, we�re inevitably stuck with it. Let the frustration begin.
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Saving money on your mortgage
Saving money on your mortgage
by Peter Spyr
Shopping around for mortgages is so popular these days that many people can be excused for thinking that switching lenders is the only way to save money on your home loan. But there is a much easier way that does not require phone calls, computers connected to the internet, or trips to your bank or building society.
Did you know, for instance, that making overpayments on your mortgage can slash thousands of pounds off your interest bill? Additionally, it will cut the length of time taken to repay your home loan so you get to own your home sooner.
Imagine, say, that you have a �100,000 repayment mortgage, with a 25-year term and an interest rate of 6%. Your monthly payments will be �644, and after 25 years you will have paid back a total of �193,290. In other words you will have paid back �1.93 for every pound borrowed.
If, however, you were to overpay your mortgage by just �50 each month, your total payment would be reduced to �177,279 -- a saving of over sixteen grand in interest. Furthermore, this overpayment shortens the length of the mortgage by 45 months, which means almost four extra years of bliss.
Its is worth being prudent though and ensuring that your will not be penalised by your lender for changing your standing order or making overpayment. In the main, most flexible mortgage lenders will allow you to make overpayments of up to 10% each year. But if your lender doesn't allow this, you have another trick up your sleeve!
Lessening the term of your mortgage from 25 years to 21 years would increase your payments in exactly the same way as overpaying by �50 each month. Mind you, this is a much harsher way to do it because payments are fixed. However, it doesn't prevent you from increasing your term again, should you need to, by simply writing to your provider.
At the end of the day, paying off your mortgage early is simply the best and least risky ways of saving money. By making overpayments to your mortgage of around 6%, your money would be working harder than if you had invested it into a savings account with 7% earnings.5% for a basic-rate taxpayer. For a higher-rate taxpayer, this risk-free and tax-free rate is equivalent to 10%, which is practically unbeatable!
Many people forget that even though we sign up for a 25-year mortgage term there is no earthly reason why we have to stick to this. If you have any extra cash each month, using it against your mortgage can make a huge difference and it can save you thousands of pounds in interest each year.
Good luck on removing that mortgage millstone from around your neck!
About The Author
The Motley Fool can help you sort your mortgage facts from mortgage fictions, and we'll give you the tools to compare UK mortgages online, helping you find the best - and most affordable - mortgage for your needs. Compare mortgages online at and find the best deal for your needs.
I Love Italian Wine and Food - The Apulia Region
I Love Italian Wine and Food - The Apulia Region
by Levi Reiss
If you are looking for fine Italian wine and food, consider the Apulia region of southern Italy. You may find a bargain, and I hope that you�ll have fun on this fact-filled wine education tour.
Apulia is the heel of the Italian boot. It is located in the southeast corner of Italy on the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. Apulia was frequently invaded by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Among its many rulers were the Byzantines, Goths, Lombards, Normans, Spaniards, and Turks. Its moment of greatest glory was in the Holy Roman Empire of the 13th Century, when majestic Romanesque cathedrals and palaces were built.
When the Phoenicians and Greeks first arrived in Apulia they found native people living from farming. Apulia produces nearly half of the olive oil in Italy. Other major agricultural products include grain, fava beans, vegetables, pasta and rice, seafood and fish, cheese, and meat, especially lamb and kid. The region has some industry, in particular chemicals, petrochemicals, iron, and steel.
Apulia�s administrative center is Bari, the biggest city in southern Italy, whose population is slightly more than 325 thousand. Bari is a university city, with a historic old town. Taranto and Brindisi are important ports.
Apulia devotes about 260 thousand acres to grapevines, it ranks 2nd among the 20 Italian regions. Its total annual wine production is about 191 million gallons, also giving it a 2nd place. About 7o% of the wine production is red or ros� (only a little ros�), leaving 30% for white. The region produces 25 DOC wines. DOC stands for Denominazione di Origine Controllata, which may be translated as Denomination of Controlled Origin, presumably a high-quality wine. Less than 4% of Apulia wine carries the DOC designation. Apulia is home to over three dozen major and secondary grape varieties, a few more red than white.
Widely grown international white grape varieties include Chardonnay. Italian versions of international varieties include Trebbiano Toscano and Malvasia Blanco. The best known strictly Italian white varieties are Bombino Bianco, which appears in eight DOC wines, and Verdeca.
Widely grown international or somewhat international red varieties include Primitivo, a close relative of Zinfandel, and Sangiovese, an Italian variety found increasingly elsewhere, for example in California. The best known strictly Italian red varieties are Negroamaro, found in eleven DOC wines, and Uva di Troia.
Before reviewing the Apulia wine and cheese that we were lucky enough to purchase at a local wine store and a local Italian food store, here are a few suggestions of what to eat with indigenous wines when touring this beautiful region.
Start with �ncapriata, also known as Favi e Fogghi, a Fava Bean Puree with Vegetables.
Then try Pepata di Cozze al Limone, Peppery Mussels with Lemon.
For dessert indulge yourself with Frittelle di Ricotta, Ricotta Fritters.
OUR WINE REVIEW POLICY While we have communicated with well over a thousand Italian wine producers and merchants to help prepare these articles, our policy is clear. All wines that we taste and review are purchased at the full retail price.
Wine Reviewed
Azienda Vinicola Rivera Spa �Castel del Monte� Ros� 11.5% alcohol about $8
Some say that Castel del Monte, named for a 13th Century castle, is the best-known appellation in Apulia. Of course, best known does not necessarily mean best. This particular bottle was from Bombino Nero grapes, whose unusual pyramidal form remind one of a child (Bombino or Bambino) with outstretched arms.
I�ll start by quoting the marketing materials. ��After soft processing of the grapes the must macerates with the skins for 15-18 hours in stainless steel vats. It is a fruity, well-balanced and dry ros� that perfectly complements appetizers, light soups, fish and white meats. Well-chilled it is a great aperitif.�
And now for my comments. I first tried this wine with an omelet containing red onions, Portabello mushrooms, and non-imported Provolone cheese. The wine was mildly acidic and refreshing, and brought out the onion�s sweetness. It was a summer wine, you�d know it was a ros� without seeing it. On the other hand, it was very short.
My next tasting was with chicken meat balls and green beans amandine. While the wine was pleasantly acidic, once again it was quite fleeting and almost overpowered by mild food. This is one of the few wines that I prefer without food. It usually did not add anything to the food.
Caciocavallo Silano is a stringy semi-hard cheese produced in Apulia and neighboring regions of southern Italy. It�s made from cow�s milk aged for at least fifteen days. The cheese�s mild nutty flavor was enhanced by the wine. I had the same experience when tasting this wine with a Pecorino Sardo, reviewed in greater depth in my article �I Love Italian Wine and Food � The Sardinia Region� in this series. In conclusion, the wine went better with cheese than with eggs or meat.
Final verdict, I don�t think that I�ll buy this wine again. The competition is too great, even at the $8 price point.
About The Author
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Advice on buying Cyprus Property
Advice on buying Cyprus Property
by John Everitt
Cyprus, is the 3rd largest Mediterranean island - covering 9,251 square kilometres, 240 km from west to east and 96 km from north to south - with a population of approximately 700,000.
Being at the cross-roads of three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa - it has one of the oldest histories of the world, dating back 9000 years.
Its strategic position, its wealth in forests and mineral deposits, as well as its skilled craftsmen, made it the prized possession of the powers of the day.
The island is served by approximately 30 major airlines, linking it to the four corners of the world through its international airports at Larnaca and Paphos.
Driving is on the left in Cyprus and distances between towns are relatively short, covered by a good network of modern roads.
A notable British presence remains to this day and Cyprus has become home to a large expat community (estimated at around 50,000), while British tourist trade accounts for the overwhelming majority of the country's tourism income.
A look at the Cypriot climate and its easy to see the attraction: average temperatures only dip below 70F (21C) between November and April and the country can boast on average 300 days of sunshine per year.
So how much property do you get for your money?
About 130,000 Cyprus Pounds (EUR224,000, GBP154,000) will buy you a detached three bedroom dwelling, although expect to pay more to get near the beach.
In the north, the equivalent property can be picked up for around CYP90,000, and prices here are rising fast, albeit from a low base. However, there are significant risks attached to buying in the North.
Compared to many other countries purchasing property in Cyprus by foreigners is relatively simple.
Non Cypriots are permitted to purchase (for their personal use) either:
an apartment,
a house or a villa on a site,
a piece of land.
The maximum allowed area is 4,013 square meters (an equivalent of 43,195 square feet)
Permission to transfer the property bought to the non-Cypriot's name must be sought from the Cyprus Council of Ministers. However this is granted more or less as a matter of course to all bona fide purchasers.
In the meantime, purchasers may take possession of the property without restriction.
The application to the Council of Ministers to acquire immovable property in Cyprus can be made within a reasonable time after signing the contract of sale.
Property Registration / Transfer Fees
Real Estate Transfer tax-fees are necessary in order to transfer FREEHOLD ownership to the name of the purchaser.
This can be done as soon as the relevant Government Authority has issued the title deed and the purchase has been completed.
The Transferee is responsible for the tax payment.
There are a number of taxes that are associated with the purchase of property in Cyprus.
Real Estate Transfer Tax. This is necessary to transfer the freehold into the name of the buyer and is levied on a progressive scale starting at 5 above CYP75,000.
For residents there is an Immovable Property Tax based on the value of the property at a rate of 0.2 up to CYP500,000; and 0.35 on the first CYP100,000, and 0.2 to 0.5 and 80% of the value of the property with the term usually fixed at seven to ten years, although longer repayment periods can be negotiated.
As things stand, it would be very difficult to obtain a Cyprus mortgage from a non-Cyprus bank.
These guidelines are meant for guidance only and describe a straightforward purchase scenarios. However this information is not meant to replace proper legal advice, which we always insist you take.
About The Author
Flipping For Property In Wisconsin? Find Properties Below Market Value On Wisconsin Foreclosure Listings!
Flipping For Property In Wisconsin? Find Properties Below Market Value On Wisconsin Foreclosure Listings!
by Bob Smith
We all have seen the television shows and read the rags to riches stories about �flipping� houses. Many expert �flippers� begin their search for house bargains by using a Wisconsin foreclosure listing service. Wisconsin foreclosure listings can be found on the internet, in the newspapers and by contacting local lenders and getting on their mailing list. Using the internet is usually the quickest, easiest and most up to date way to get a current foreclosure listing, and is generally the way to go.
Once you have used your foreclosure listing service, go out and research the property, view it and have independent appraisals and inspections done before purchasing. The homes which need the most work are the ones that offer the lowest prices. If you are a new to flipping houses, be careful when assessing the cost to repair the house. Some properties will need only cosmetic changes such as paint and carpeting. Others will require more intensive labor and more expensive materials. It is important to know upfront the costs associated with making the property not only liveable, but sellable.
The next step is to get qualified for a loan from which the funds will be used to acquire the house. If the house needs extensive renovations, you will need an additional source of funding to cover these costs. Diligently research what the repairs will cost and what profit you should realize from performing the work involved. Be realistic not only with your figures, but with the time it takes to complete the job. Anticipate some setbacks, and be prepared to stretch your budget. A house cannot be flipped if you run out of money or time to capitalize on utilizing all your resources, regardless if they are financial or manpower.
Negotiate in good faith with the lender. Be prepared with all funds, paperwork and contingencies. Be confident in your research in the surrounding area, the cost to bring the property to industry standards and all zoning and permit regulations. Be sure to add the cost to sell, these costs may include a realtor commission, signage and costs to advertise.
Flipping houses has become quite popular and lucrative for the handyman who is successful at crunching numbers and creating an environment pleasing to would-be homewoners. The most difficult obstacle is to find the perfect property, and that obstacle can be eliminated by searching Wisconsin foreclosure listings.
About The Author
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
HYIP Owner Does Not Want You To Read This Easy Tactics
HYIP Owner Does Not Want You To Read This Easy Tactics
by David Vagner
HYIPs bring me $8289.68 in this month. How did I get this money without work? Answer is simple: I followed my golden rules of HYIP investing. I have compiled a short list of some of the things you can do before investing into a program to make sure you get the most for your money:
#1 - Look at the main HYIP monitoring sites such as Main aspect that you should check it is status of program. If program has status PROBLEM most likely this HYIP will be closed in next 2 days. Look at votes and comments. If it looks like a program has been cheating the ratings by voting for themselves, or it looks like they may have hired a paid voter, then stay away. Check the voters IP, maybe the cheaters were not careful and didn't use a proxy
#2 - Search all HYIP forums for the name of the HYIP. Maybe, somebody created topic about program which you want. . Look for people's opinions. Often those who have been investing in HYIPs for some time are the ones with the best insite. If you see that somebody are spamming it is sign of short HYIP. Most importantly, look for complaints of people who have not been paid.
#3 - Do a search on google. Copy small parts (1-2 sentences) of the text from both the homepage and the page with information on how they make their returns. Paste it into the google search bar with quotes around it, and see if anything comes up. A good amount of the time, google will return results that are an exact match, usually a professional traders website. Also, do the same thing with any images of people that are shown to look as though they are the admin of the program. Simply get the name of the file that the image is uploaded as by viewing the properties of it. Then paste this into the google image search. You will be amazed that a lot of the time you will see that the image is a direct copy from another site. This proves that the admin is lying.
#4 Ask the Admin for as much personal information as possible. Also, check out all the information he/she provides. If he/she gives a phone number, then give them a call. If an address is given, then check it out for authenticity by looking at online phonebooks, and other databases. The more information that is available, the less likely it is that the admin will take the chance of scamming hundreds of people out of their investments. It makes sense to email the admin and ask some questions such as: where are you located, how long have you been around, and how do you make your returns. Then compare this information with found one. The common answers you will receive are United States, 2 Years, and Forex trading. Usually if these are the answers the admin is lying to you. About 75% of all new HYIPs claim that they have been paying members offline for over a year. 99.9999% of the time this is a lie. If an investing firm is able to deal with members offline for 2 years, there usually is no need to go online with their business.
All in all, if you follow these steps you will likely be saving yourself a descent amount of money in the long run. They improve your chances of walking away with profits. This tips are not complete list. Full one of golden HYIP rules collected on
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The Humble Beginnings Of The Devilish Beverage From Ethiopia Called �Coffee�
The Humble Beginnings Of The Devilish Beverage From Ethiopia Called �Coffee�
by Connie Limon
Do you realize the intricate and varied history of coffee as you sip on a cup of coffee? There is a long and entertaining story of how coffee was invented, how it migrated to your particular cup and an unending effort to produce the many flavors of coffee that continue to make it such a popular beverage.
Each country has added its taste preference and its own way of brewing as coffee spread around the world. This has resulted in a plethora of coffee drinks for us all to savor and enjoy. The unique customs across cultures has also added to this ritual of drinking coffee.
Where is your favorite coffeehouse? Coffeehouses became very popular as news about the magical powers of coffee spread from Ethiopian shepherds and monks in Ethiopia to all corners of the world.
Despite the popularity of the coffeehouses, they were at times deemed immoral. They were accused of drawing men away from their obligations to their homes and religious beliefs. Coffee drinking was even forbidden periodically because of these evils. However, the bans on coffee drinking did not last long due to the strong appeal of the pleasurable drink. The suppression of coffee drinking based on religious and political grounds was only a moment in time and coffee became a universal drink in the Arab lands. Coffee was eventually considered a moral and sober alternative to wine and spirit drinks. Coffee became a household word and was adopted into social customs as a featured beverage.
In Arabia, coffee was thrown at the feet of the bride as a religious offering. In the country of Turkey, coffee became a staple in the home. Failure to keep a supply of coffee for one�s wife in the home was considered grounds for divorce in Turkey.
As travelers from Europe returned home they brought with them tales of the exotic coffee beverage. Coffee was regarded by some Westerners as the devil�s hellish brew. Despite this horrible reputation of coffee for some Westerners, it became a Christian drink with the blessing of Pope Clement VIII who loved the taste of coffee.
For centuries coffee distribution was controlled by the Arabs. They held a tight and zealous monopoly on the cultivation of the coffee plant until the 17th century. In the 17th century Dutch traders managed to steal some viable seeds and started commercial plantations in Indonesia.
It was not long until a French officer under the rule of King Louis XIV felt that the coffee plants should grow equally well in the French colonies of the West Indies. Gabriel Mathieu de Clieux and a gardener stole a cutting from a coffee plant in King Louis XIV�s botanical gardens. He planted the cutting in a glass trunk and sat sail for the West Indies. His journey was not easy. More than once Clieux placed his life on the line for his precious cargo. He fought off a Dutch spy who managed to tear off one of the plant�s limbs. He shared his ration of water with the plant when all the sailors were near to perishing of thirst. Clieux finally arrived at the island of Martinique and this one single plant started commercial coffee plantations that successfully rivaled the plantations of the Dutch. It is ironic to note that the initial cutting was taken from the coffee plant that was given to King Louis XIV as a gift from the Dutch!
King Louis XIV had a passion for coffee and enjoyed preparing it for guests in his golden coffeepot. After plantations started in Martinique a few years later a young Portuguese officer from Brazil charmed the French governor�s wife in French Guiana. She secretly saved some coffee cuttings to present to him as a token of her love for him. The Portuguese officer planted the cuttings in Brazil and began what are now the largest coffee plantations in the world.
This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.
© 2007 Connie Limon All Rights Reserved
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Are You Psychic? Use Your Most Important Life and Business Skill
Are You Psychic? Use Your Most Important Life and Business Skill
by Reggie Odom
Are you psychic? I mostly wanted to get your attention with that question. But there is another reason I used it as well. The word psychic really repels some people. There are a lot of negative beliefs about people who are "psychics" like they are fake, unstable, weird, scam artists, etc. Psychic ability can be misused as can any other ability. And it can be used for the highest good. Maybe it's time to move beyond the negative connotations of "psychic" - which may be limiting you - and look at what being psychic really means. When you do that the word itself becomes irrelevant - you can call it whatever feels most accurate to you.
Let's get right down to the simplicity of what "being psychic" really is. Being psychic is simply 1) trusting your own experience, 2) focusing and paying attention and therefore being highly aware of what is going on within and around you, 3) tapping into your inner wisdom, and 4) using the benefits of your intuition in your life and business. It is easy to imagine how doing these things could enrich both your life and your business. The focus of this article is intuition.
Intuition is an inner knowing. The word intuition is derived from the Latin intueri which means to see within. Intuition is natural - everyone is born with it. It is a spiritual gift - that sometimes still, small voice of love and wisdom that guides YOU in the direction of your highest good. Intuition is your sixth sense and your most important one - It transcends your other senses and includes information from all of your senses, all you have ever learned, plus wisdom and guidance from sources you are not even be aware of.
Intuition is also an experience that almost always has a physical component to it. Sometimes intuition comes as a hunch, or a gut feeling about something. I get what I call "niggles," little niggles that are ever so gently pulling me toward something. Niggles tend to keep coming back for awhile, while a hunch may be of the moment. Other experiences may be a tickle in your throat or some sensation in your body - an inner knowing is felt. You might also notice your energy increasing or decreasing, feel as if you are opening up or shutting down. All of these experiences are telling you something, offering wisdom and guidance in some direction.
And intuition is a skill. It is a skill in that it gets stronger the more you use it. Using intuition means listening to it and following its guidance. This next statement is important: Intuition is not supposed to be reasonable. So it's really best to simply go with it, take some action on it without trying to figure it out. If the purpose is not immediately apparent, it will be. Developing a strong partnership between your intuition and your thinking mind will enrich your life and work beyond any current measure. When someone asked Einstein the secret to his success he said, "It is the result of intuition, an inner knowing."
Intuition is a highly evolved business skill that can greatly assist your success. Intuition is most powerful when you first notice it - that is most often the time to take action. Fast Company Magazine has called "acting on intuition" the number one trend that will change the way we work and live.
Making decisions is one key area in which entrepreneurs can benefit from intuition. Highly successful CEOs regularly use intuition when making major decisions. Entrepreneurs and business professionals are faced with making decisions every day, often without having all the facts. Intuition accesses an infinite supply of information and wisdom. Following the guidance and wisdom of your intuition can shift you from indecisiveness, uncertainty, or worry to confidence in making decisions that will enhance the quality of your services and products, your ease of operating and your profits.
Another key area where intuition can be effectively used is in connection with prospective clients. Most of you, in retrospect, can probably identify intuitive experiences when first meeting potential clients. You've probably had at least one experience of knowing right away that a prospective client was not right but took them on anyway. Or maybe you've unconsciously followed your intuition with such prospects by not returning their phone calls or following up leads. It takes courage to turn away clients, especially when you are in a building phase of your business. It also takes trust. Both courage and trusting your intuition will serve you, your business and the other person.
Intuition is an innate gift. However, if it doesn't feel natural to you just yet, take some time to get to know your intuition. There are a few simple ways you can create an intimate relationship with it. You'll think of more as you go along.
1. Relax - intuition happens. Relaxation creates an ideal condition for intuition.
2. Meditate - a meditative state is a very receptive state.
3. Ask for intuitive messages at highly receptive times such as a) before going to sleep, b) before meditation and c) before journaling.
4. Spend time in nature - nature flourishes from the guidance of its own inner wisdom and primes you to tap into your own.
5. Use your imagination consciously - it has been said to be the playground for intuition.
6. Pause for regular intuitive check-ins with yourself.
7. Develop an intimate relationship with your body - intuition most always has a physical component.
8. Keep an intuition journal - keep track of your hunches, nudges and intuitive awareness; also keep track of which ones you acted on and which ones you didn't and notice the results.
Decide! Expect! Trust! Act!
Make a decision to be intuitive - it's simply choosing to use a powerful gift that you already have! Expect intuition! When you expect intuition, you can relax and let it happen, and it will. Trust your intuition, even if you don't initially understand it. The more you trust your intuition, and that it is always in your best interest, the more it will come around. Act! Acting on your intuition is evidence of your trust. It's your part of the relationship. Over time, it becomes second nature. And you will come to see the benefits of following the guidance and wisdom of your intuition.
Your intuition is a delicious gift, a spiritual muscle, a skill, and it is the most natural thing in the world. Using your intuition as a way of life and as a way of business will transform both into rich and thriving experiences. When we rely on the guidance and wisdom of our intuition, life takes on an effortless quality, and we find ourselves in harmony with others and the circumstances and events in our lives - we are in the flow of life!
About The Author
What Is Fairtrade Food?
What Is Fairtrade Food?
by Davinos Greeno
The Fairtrade Foundation exists to ensure that producers are guaranteed a minimum price for their goods irrespective of world prices.
This means that Fairtrade goods are often more expensive in the UK than those without the Fairtrade logo. Although people are now arguing that supermarkets are fuelling their excessive profits by adding large mark-ups to these products This premium that the producer charges covers the basic food, housing, health and education needs of the local communities in countries such as India and Brazil. The Foundation awards a consumer label, the Fairtrade Mark, to products which meet internationally recognised standards of Fairtrade. It is the only such certification in the UK.
Examples of products:
� Fairtrade coffee
� Fairtrade Tea
� Fairtrade Chocolate
� Fairtrade Bananas
� Fairtrade Honey
� Fairtrade Sugar
� Fairtrade Fruit Juice
� Fairtrade Wine and Snacks
The list of goods certified Fairtrade is growing daily as is the range of products available. The co-op changed all their own brand chocolate to Fairtrade a few years ago and now all the other big supermarkets are beginning to move into the Fairtrade market. Nestle have just released a Fairtrade brand. There has been huge controversy over this as many people are asking how a company that is subject to a boycott can pertain to have Fairtrade and therefore ethical principles?
Why buy Fairtrade?
Millions of small farmers around the world cannot get enough money to feed their families, send their children to school or invest just a few pounds into their farm. This is because people want to buy the cheapest goods possible and don�t think about the people that working in poor condition and often receive less than �1 per day in wages.
Buying products that display the Fairtrade logo ensures that the producers of products such as tea, coffee and chocolate receive a decent income. Rather than being hit by the ever-changing price of their product on the world market, or being fleeced by a middleman who takes a chunky share of the profits, producers in a Fair Trade scheme are guaranteed a decent, stable price for their produce.
By buying Fair trade products that buy direct from farmers at better prices, consumers are improving the lives of producers all over the world. In Eithiopia, farmers can often get more then twice the price for their fair trade coffee then those that sell it on the open market. This extra money enables the farmers to educate their children and to break the cycle of poverty.
Many people struggle to find a reason not to support Fairtrade. Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers. Fair trade is not about charity, it is about settling the imbalance which exists.
How do I know its Fairtrade?
Look for the Fairtrade Mark when you shop and make the choice to support small farmers and workers in the developing world, and encourage your workplace to switch to Fairtrade tea and coffee.
About The Author
Monday, February 25, 2008
Top 50 Christmas Gift Ideas UNDER $50 You can Order Online
Top 50 Christmas Gift Ideas UNDER $50 You can Order Online
by Nicole Anderson
With the Christmas holiday quickly approaching the malls and stores around the nation will soon be filled to capacity. If you�d like to avoid the hassle and have your Christmas presents delivered straight to your door without braking your pocket book, check out these unique gifts UNDER $50 that you can purchase online for your kids, mom, dad, husband, wife, brothers and sisters.
Gifts for WOMEN
The original CROCS TM Sandal (Unisex). Your favorite CROCS� in MANY colors. Propriety sandals are slip-resistant, bacteria-resistant and nonmarking. Available at
2. Lavender-Filled Linens
Put one in your pillowcase for sweet-scented dreams.
You can purchase lavender-filled linens by elizabethW at
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3. Cropped puffer vest
Hot, high-quality down-filled polyester, Sleeveless, cropped length puffy vest. Has snap pockets, front zip and loop-and-button closure with detachable faux fur-trimmed hood. Available at
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Very cozy and affordable cashmere footies by Banana Republic. Get them in any color. Available at
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5. Croissants from Williams-Sonoma
Made by French pastry chef Jean-Yves Charon, these are shipped frozen so you can savor fresh-baked croissants just like those in a French patisserie. A box of 15 is available at or call 877-812-6235.
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6. Juicy Couture Charm Bracelet
The signature core of the Juicy Couture jewelry line comes complete with a heart charm at the end. Available at Item # 140417.
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7. Intimates Nordstrom Flannel Pajamas
Premium cotton flannel make for the coziest pj's. Available at Item # 153071.
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8. Tiffany & Co. Holiday Mug
Mug from the Tiffany HOLIDAY Collection. Bone china, 10-ounce capacity. Available at
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Tiffany & Co. Annual pocket diary
Blue patent leather. 3x5". Available at
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9. Shuga Buds, Swarovski� Cystal Head phones
Listen to your favorite tunes with these sparkling buds. Choose iridescent, gold, blue, green or pink. crystals. For use with iPods�, MP3 players, portable CD players, and Sony� Walkman. Available at Item #NMOF7_H11EW
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10. Necklace Vault Jewelry Box
Designed to hold a variety of necklaces, this stylish vault features four glassed sides for display. Open the door to fund hooks that hold necklaces securely and keeps them from tangling. A single drawer at the bottom holds other small items. A wonderful gift, it's boxed for giving! Available at Item#: 1866735
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11. Triple Garnet Heart Necklace
Win her heart. This necklace, featuring three deep-red, heart-shaped garnets, will make your intentions clear. Since the Middle Ages, the garnet has been associated with truth and love. Available at
Click to view gift:$$%2Frecipient%2Ffor+her%2Fentire+collection@@30$$-12040@@35$$12040&catOid=-12040&oid=7416096&nc2=1
12. Boucl� deep v-neck sweater
Texture takes a colorful new twist in this form-fitting, feminine sweater. Plunge front. Rib trim. Imported acrylic/nylon/wool/spandex. Available at Item #204-677
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13. Oval cocktail ring
A ring with lots of bling to go around. Arrives in a velvet drawstring pouch and pink box. Imported metal and glass.
3/4" wide. Available at Item #206-313
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14. Victoria's Secret The Sexiest Fragrances on Earth
Seven of her favorite fragrances all wrapped up in the sexiest way. Includes .25 oz Eau de Parfum Sprays of new dream angels desire, America's #1 Fragrance, dream angels heavenly; Very Sexy� For Her and Very Sexy For Her 2; Victoria's Secret PINK, Rapture� and Body By Victoria�. Imported and domestic. Available at Item #203-108
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15. Victoria Secret Shimmer Brush, Garden Collection
$20 for one or 2 for $35
Give it to glow. Brush adds a touch of scented shimmer wherever you want to shine. Choose from three Garden scents, each with a different color of shimmer. Imported and domestic. Available at Item #203-256
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16. Victoria Secret Three-piece pajama gift set
Bedtime is three times as fun with cotton sleepwear in cheerful prints. Includes three-quarter sleeve cardigan with button front, cami with adjustable straps and ruching, and full-length bottom with drawstring elastic waist. Arrives in a matching gift bag. Imported cotton. Available at Sizes XS-XL. Item #202-702 $39.
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Gifts for MEN
17. Bookmark Dictionary II
Have the American heritage dictionary of the English language, fourth edition, and its revised and updated 130,000+ words and definitions right at your fingertips�literally�as you read! This tiny bookmark dictionary is truly thin enough to use as a bookmark, and its slim, flexible keypad secures to any book with unique keypad clip. Imported.
� Keeps date and time.
� Large lcd screen for easy reading.
� Makes a great gift!
� Multifunction calculator also converts measurements of length, temperature, weight, etc.
� Uses on lithium battery(included) and features auto shutoff function.
Available at
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18. Callaway HX Tour 56 Golf Ball - Personalized
One dozen top of the line, new design Callaway golf balls PERSONALIZED. Available at
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19. Shoehorn Backscratcher
There's always that one spot he can't reach, and, frankly, you're tired of scratching his back. You can feign arthritis, or you can help dad help himself with this bamboo shoehorn/backscratcher combo. Made in Italy. Available at
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20. Handle Mount Grill Light
A BBQ light lets you grill at night or any time of the year!For BBQ gifts, here�s a truly brilliant idea that puts the spotlight on your cooking! Made to fit conveniently on any grill handle, our BBQ light takes the guesswork out of your outdoor cuisine, allowing you to see what�s ready and what needs more time over the heat.
Available at Brookstone sku # 439794
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21. Electric Ice Scraper
Hate standing in the cold scraping ice from you car? Try this electric ice scraper which will get rid of that troublesome ice in a cinch. The convenient 14-foot cord plugs into your car's cigarette lighter and warms the rubber squeegee to quickly melt away ice from the windshield, so you can get out the cold and into your car. Imported. Available at
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22. Connoisseur�s Compact Wine Opener
Opening your favorite bottle of wine is now easier than ever before with the amazing Connoisseur wine bottle opener! Available at
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23. Burberry Golf Cap
Send him off to the links in style. Rain-resistant golf cap features signature logo and nova check trim. Choose trench, white, black, or red. Imported of fine Italian cotton and spandex gabardine stretch twill. One adjustable size fits most. Available at Item #NMOF7_N8615
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24. Floating Desktop Globe
The world just got a little bit more interesting. This high-tech desktop globe floats in its powerful magnetic stand. It's possible to pass one's hands above, below and around the small globe as it continues to levitate. Simply plug it in, guide the globe into the magnetic field, and it floats in space�just like the Earth. Available at
Click to view gift:$$%2Frecipient%2Ffor+him%2Fentire+collection@@30$$-12043@@35$$12043&catOid=-12043&oid=19374384&nc2=1
25. NAP� My Pillow
For cozy cuddling anytime. Made of our exclusive NapSoft� material�and available in a variety of comfy colors�these luxurious pillows are the perfect size for anytime napping and cuddling. You can even change the color of your My Pillow by slipping on one of the vibrant NapSac covers. Available at
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26. HoMedics MP3 Cush Music Playing Massage Seat - Black
Sit back and relax with soothing heat, massage and music in this massage seat that features 5 massage motors for multiple modes of relaxation. Available at Model: BKMP-3-100
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Gifts for Men or Women
27. XtremeMac SportWrap for iPod Black or
Perfect for any kind of activity, the SportWrap is an ultra-compact, moisture-resistant case you can wear comfortably on your arm. Available at
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28. Mini MP3 Speaker Dock for iPod� Nano
Enjoy portable, rich sound, no headphones required� just insert your iPod� nano. Perfect for travel or listening anywhere. Includes storage case for protection. Available at Brookstone sku # 533000
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29. 5 pc. TV Tray Set, Natural
Four trays plus storage stand. Available at Sears item #00872202000 Mfr. model #PJ-TB001/NA
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30. Illuminated Photo Frame
Give your printed 5x7 photos a special glow with our backlit frame. Slide in a 5x7 photo print and watch it come to life. The backlit flatscreen frame illuminates the image with a wonderful glow. Also makes a great night-light. Displays photo in portrait or landscape modes. Includes variable brightness control. For best results, use watermark-free photo prints. Available at Brookstone sku # 549774
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31. Desktop Beverage Warmer
Keep coffee, tea and more, hot�in your own mug. Now you can enjoy your favorite hot beverages�and keep them hot�until the last drop with our electric beverage warmer. Available at Brookstone sku # 535435
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32. Christmas Tree Frame
Look who's peeking out from this very special Christmas tree - it's all the faces you love! There's room for 12 favorite ornament photos on the shiny silver branches, plus we've included a shiny star ready to engrave with a family name and date. Available at Item# 579667
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33. Jewel Cordials with Tray - Set of Six
Whether used for serving pre-dinner aperitifs or after dinner liquours, these Jewel Cordials and Tray are a lovely serving option! This set of six multi-colored glasses arrive complete with a gold finished wooden tray. Each cordial is shaped differently - a unique touch! Boxed. Available at Item#: 5890697
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34. Holiday Happiness Gift Basket, Hickory Farms
$15.99 � 49.99 Assorted Gift Baskets
Available at
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35. Lumiscope Holmes Foot Buddy Personal Heater
Ideal for use in the home or office! The Holmes Foot Buddy Personal Heater features a spacious resting surface and a removable fleece pocket for your feet. It has a simple toe-touch power button and can be adjusted to two different heat settings and three different angles. A built-in handle makes it easy to transport the warmer from reading chair to desk or den, and the fleece pocket removes for washing. Use with or without fleece toe pockets. Available at Sears item #08038127000 Mfr. model #38127
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Gifts for Kids
36. Giga Ball
Jumbo inflatable ball is big enough to crawl inside, roll across the yard and even bounce! One look at the Giga Ball and kids can't wait to bounce it, roll it, and crawl inside to tumble, bounce and spin, spin, spin! Available at Item #18961
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37. Kick Disc Power Puck
Kick Dis is a 7" diameter puck with a motor, rechargeable battery and tough rubber bumper. It hovers, glides and even streaks across rooms, never touching the ground! Play air hockey, hover soccer and more for hours of fun. Available at Item #3033540
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38. Jump-O-Lene Trampoline
Indoors or out, kids will bounce for hours on this inflatable trampoline. Made from heavy-duty vinyl with 13/4' high attached safety wall with rain-drain holes. Available at Item #14663
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39. Moon Shoes
Who hasn't wanted to escape the bounds of gravity, even for a second? Like mini-trampolines for the feet, these funky shoes provide out-of-this-world fun. Strap them on and prepare to lift off, lightweight and strong, they let kids jump, bounce, hop and leap with abandon Available at
Click to view gift:$$%2Frecipient%2Ffor+kids+%2B+teens%2F6-12+years@@30$$-9962@@35$$9962&catOid=-9962&oid=2607424&nc2=1
40. Walkie Talkie Wrist Watches
Move over, 007. These undercover devices allow young sleuths to hold their own covert conversations. Disguised as digital wristwatches that display the time and date, these walkie-talkies have built-in microphones and fitted earpieces for hands-free communication. Available at
Click to view gift:$$%2Frecipient%2Ffor+kids+%2B+teens%2F6-12+years@@30$$-9962@@35$$9962&catOid=-9962&oid=5213634&nc2=1
41. Voice Protected Diary
Hell hath no fury like a girl whose diary has been compromised by her little brother. Boasting a high-tech voice recognition system, this version allows her to divulge to her heart's content without fear of being discovered. (Even if someone guesses her password, only her voice can unlock the diary.) Other features include high and low security settings, a mini light for writing at night and, best of all, an intruder alert. The tri-fold design has spring-loaded doors that open with ceremony to inspire her next entry. Available at
Click to view gift:$$%2Frecipient%2Ffor+kids+%2B+teens%2F6-12+years@@30$$-9962@@35$$9962&catOid=-9962&oid=16691902&nc2=1
Gifts for Girls
42. Ballerina Musical Jewelry Box
Our smallest jewelry box is a replica of the one we had as a little girl. White box opens to a soft pink colored interior. Lift the hinged lid and witness a miniature ballerina twirling. Available at ITEM # JEWEA
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43. Children's Sterling Silver Heart ID Bracelet
Surprise a special little girl with this lovely sterling silver ID bracelet! It features a link design and is accented with a dangling heart. Engrave her name and watch her eyes light up. Available at Item# 500953
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Girl's Sterling Silver Heart Locket
Your little girl will adore this beautiful sterling silver heart locket. Place a cherished photo inside and engrave a name or date to create a lasting memory. Available at Item #517881
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Gifts for BOYS
44. Gearbotics Sonic T-Rex Robot Kit
Gears Trex Kit! Start beginning builders off on the right foot with a Gears! Gears! Gears! Building project that's guaranteed to be ferocious fun! Twenty-eight piece gear building set has exactly the right pieces to bring a wonderful T-Rex to walking, roaring life. Includes motor with T-Rex sounds, gears, connectors and dinosaur pieces.
Dinosaur measures 17". Ages 5 and up. Available at Item # LR-9195.
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45. LITTLE RED SCOOTER - Radio Flyer
Classic scooter styling, wood platform with grip tread, and sturdy steel construction. High performance molded wheels and double rear wheels for maximum stability. Adjustable handlebar height and ringing bell. Ages 3-7. Available at
46. Konus Junior Telescope - KJ4
Perfect for young astronomers, the Konus Junior Telescope offers astronomical viewing, zoom spotting for terrestrial use and easy maneuverability! Perfect for the young and curious. Available at Item #3026801
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47. Robosapien
Robosapien marks a tremendous advance in remote activated robotic function. Standing over a foot tall, this completely interactive robot has the ability to walk, dance and groove, as well as pick up and throw items. This robotic wonder also delivers several combinations of strike and chops. The fluid biomechanical motions are amazing. Kids can control all the robotic movements with the easy-to-use remote. Program up to 84 different action sequences, and utilize four program modes for advanced operations. Available at Sears item #05219791000 Mfr. model #126414
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Gifts for Baby
48. My First Tooth/Curl Box
Treasure baby's first milestone by holding on to tiny miracles! This set of two silverpate boxes were designed to hold baby's curl from his or her first haircut, and first tooth. These treasures will be kept safe and secure until they are passed on. Set of two circular boxes are engraved with First Tooth and First Curl and are packaged for giving. Available at Item#: 1866515
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49. Red Baby Long Johns
Wild West cowboys loved long johns for riding the range; little cowpokes will love them for riding through the house. Ours have the traditional back flap, as well as snaps down the front and on the inside legs. Available at
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50. Someday Inc. Personalized Piggy Bank
A classic gift, hand-painted and personalized for a special penny-saver. A bow crowns this little pig. Comes gift wrapped in a cellophane bag with a bow and a hand-painted Someday Inc. gift card. Available at Item #166359
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