Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Seduction of Junk Food

The Seduction of Junk Food
by Phenogy Health Advisor

News Extract: Sodas and other sugar-sweetened drinks are the most common beverages American kids buy from school vending machines, concludes a Harvard School of Public Health study...these findings suggest that school vending machines and fast-food restaurants make independent contributions to total (sugar-sweetened) beverage intake that increase with repeated exposure or use... (Original news �Sweet Drinks Are Kids' Top Choice at School� can be found at: http://news.yahoo.com/s/hsn/20061011/hl_hsn/sweetdrinksarekidstopchoiceatschool)

Our Comments:

With our daily exposure to fast-food restaurants and vending machines which can instantly satisfy a plethora of cravings, our mind has been subconsciously trained to look for these round-the-corner quick fixes.

In addition to the ubiquitous fast-food restaurants and vending machines, another form of such negative 'food seduction' which we face daily is our store of junk food and snacks (eg. chocolate bars, potato chips, candies) in our kitchen cabinets and office drawers for emergency situations (nopes...not terrorist attack or nuclear war).

A simple change to gear ourselves to a healthier lifestyle is to remove all the unhealthy junk food that we store up in our house, car or workplace. If you find it a waste to throw them away, donate them to charity or give them to a friend who is going to have a party.

On your next grocery shopping, make a list of things you need to buy (make sure those junk food are not in the list) and buy only those items. This is a key requisite in your journey to manage your junk food intake. A shopping list helps you gather your needs at home; away from the colourful packets of junk food that trigger the buy-me-not hormone in you.

While it is good to remove such temptations, total abstinence from such junk food by sheer willpower only temporarily alleviates the problem. You need to learn how to plan and manage your nutrition healthily.

And the good news is you do get to eat some junk food as part of our programme. Learn the simple steps in transforming your nutrition plan now. Our health programme will teach you how to eat for better health while still enjoying your meal!


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Today's Health Message:

When we are exposed to junk food (e.g. sugar-sweetened drinks) constantly, our tendency to consume them increases.

Today's Health Solution:

Keep as little store of junk food (if possible, none!) in your house, car or office. Create an exciting nutrition plan.

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About The Author

The author, Winston Ng, is an avid peak performance coach and CEO of Phenogy Health Advisors Pte Ltd, based in Singapore. His Health Consultancy programmes are renowned worldwide for their efficiency, simplicity and independent unbiased advice. The Phenogy Health Concierge� is unparalleled internationally in providing cutting edge Natural Health Alternatives to the busy individual who needs viable options to invasive surgery, dangerous synthetic pills and overpriced ineffective therapies!

They want you to experience their service before spending a single dime! Receive FREE Health Coaching and find out more about their E-Manuals and Consultancy Services! http://phenogy.com.

Winston Ng and his Coaches are contactable at enquiries@phenogy.com.

Source: www.articlecity.com

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