Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ordering Flavored Tea Online

Ordering Flavored Tea Online
by Jon M. Stout

If you love flavored teas, you�ve certainly realized that there is an endless variety from which to choose. No matter what flavor you like, there�s a tea for you. If you�d like to try a wide variety of flavored teas, you may find it difficult to find all the flavors in your local tea shop. But, by shopping online, you have access to nearly all the flavored teas in the world at the touch of a button.

Experimenting is critical, particularly for the tea novice. It may take you some time before you understand which flavors you like paired with which tea varieties. But, oh, how much fun testing them all out can be!

The Internet makes shopping for tea so much easier. And, most of us are using it for buying tea � and everything else. In fact, experts say that 84% of Americans have shopped online at least once. And, approximately 60% of Americans say that they shop online regularly. In fact, most of us would agree that the internet has changed the way we shop for many things, forever. Online shopping is at its most important when we�re shopping for items that might be difficult to find locally- like rare and exotic teas.

Online shopping is one of the most convenient ways to shop and allows you to comparison shop far more easily. You�ll have access to more sales and be able to compare prices for the same products much more easily. Just look at a few different websites rather than driving all over town to visit different shops. You can order from home, day or night, and have your purchases delivered right to your door � and you can order from all over the world. When you�re looking for a rare tea or a rare flavor, this worldwide access is critical.

Shopping for tea online can pose two problems, however. The first is that you can�t see, smell or taste the tea before you buy. Most online tea shops have alleviated this problem by offering small quantities of teas for purchase as samples, and by offering money back guarantees on their products. Some tea companies make sampler packs with a combination of flavored teas including black, oolong, white and green tea varieties.

This way you can buy just a small quantity of the teas you�d like to try until you�ve determined which are your favorites. Once you know which ones you like, you can save money by buying in bulk.

In addition, many people worry about the security of their private information when shopping online. When reviewing the websites of tea merchants you�re considering, it�s wise to ensure that they employ stringent security measures to protect your information. Their website should tell you about their internet security. If it doesn�t, or if their measures do not encrypt your information, don�t purchase from them.

There are enough very good tea vendors out there that you don�t have to risk your personal information just to have good tea! If you find a tea vendor that you�d like to order from, but you don�t feel comfortable, let them know. They may be grateful to hear from potential customers and may work to upgrade their site.

You can list the flavors of tea you�d like to try and look for tea vendors that carry these flavors, or you can choose the tea vendors you think can offer you the best teas and choose the flavored varieties they offer. Most of us do a combination of the two, so that we can choose some of the flavors we�re dying to try, but also can take the recommendations from tea vendors we trust.

If you choose your online tea companies wisely, you simply can�t go wrong. The best loose tea purveyors work with the best tea gardens in the world to ensure that they have only the finest teas for their customers. Your tea vendor should be careful to buy only the flavored teas that are flavored using only natural ingredients. Artificially flavored teas will be less expensive but will not have the same great and natural taste as the teas that are flavored with real fruits, spices and flowers.

Take the time to ensure that any tea company you buy from has a good reputation and offers a money back guarantee. This guarantee ensures you that if you ever receive a tea that is not of the quality you expect, you can return it � no questions asked. This is particularly important when you�re trying new flavors for the first time. Knowing you can return the tea if you don�t like it makes you feel freer to try many different flavors.

A good online tea company (or two) can really improve your adventures in tea. Subscribe to their catalogs and watch for them to add new tea flavors. With the right tea vendor as your partner you can try many different flavors of tea in black, white, oolong and green tea varieties.

There are no doubt dozens of new flavored teas you�d like to try. And, a few good tea vendors can be your ticket to all of them. So, browse the internet, sign up for some tea catalogs and find the tea vendors that can provide you with many new and delicious flavored teas to try!

About The Author

Jon Stout is Chairman of the Golden Moon Tea Company. For more information about tea, black tea and wholesale tea go to


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